Diary of a Trip to Nova Scotia, Canada
July, August and September of 1911
Written by
Alice Mary Maynard
Edited by Eugene E. Maynard
Also on Trip
Hugh Charles Maynard
Who died a World War 1 Hero
In the Battle of Somme, France
Editor’s Notes. July 2000
Great Uncle Hugh Charles was home to England, from Africa and was without work and so was free to go on this trip with Alice Mary. Gene needs to go back to England to do more research.
St. John looked in 1992, when Gene was there, almost like, Alice Mary described it in her diary of 1911.
Dreary!!!, It has not changed much!!!!Also since Gene went across the Pacific Ocean twice on a 600 foot long boat, and many other ferry trips across the Irish Sea, English Channel, etc., Gene feels like he can relate to this story.
So far, Gene has only one photo of Alice Mary.
Sad but what to do!!!. So Mary Josephine is also included in the photo.Alice Mary was 45 years old at the time of this trip and was a romantic, for sure. She would jump from one thought to another, but since the information comes from a diary, what to expect??? Gene is trying to put the thoughts in some kind of order, otherwise this is a great story!!!
Gene left the content of this story as it was. I want you to see just how the English language is spoken and how they thought in 1911. But I did have to add a lot of commas. I really, really enjoyed this story, even though a person has to read a lot of boring parts.
I hope you enjoy also !!Eugene E. Maynard
July 28, 1911 Midnight Euston, England.
Hugh and I arrived separately and it was a good thing I was early, as our luggage was dumped down outside the station. I had to wait 20 minutes, before I could get a porter. For two enjoyable days, before the trip, I had been with the Peel Larn's in London. I had been through a great deal and was looking forward to resting on board the boat. The two corner seats that I had written to engage on the train, were nowhere to be found. But, happily, I had the tickets in my handbag, so with that and Hugh’s energies, the conductor put us on a second class carriage (Train car.), with only two others in it, so we did very well, though I could not sleep at all, for the noise and shaking of the train. Also the first half of the night, was very hot!!
July 29, Saturday Liverpool.
We arrived in Liverpool at 6 A.M. and found we had to wait, for our suitcases and packages!! Hugh’s two new canopied deck chairs arrived at the last minute, to make the boat. We went to a hotel, nearby, but found that breakfast could not be had, until 8 A.M.. We went on a electric train around the park of Liverpool, to use up the time. It was a perfect morning, except it got hotter and hotter, as the sun rose in the sky. After breakfast, we took a tram and the overhead railroad train to the Canadian docks. We got on board the boat at 11:30 A.M., which was the advertised hour of sailing.
It was hot on board the ship, until we started to sail, about 1 P.M.. We had rather a shock, on seeing our cabins, which had been described as being on the Spar Deck. As it turned out there was no Spar Deck!!!Home Page | Early Maynard Family Page | Next Section |