August 18, Friday.

Another fine day. Herbert is taking a few days holiday rest, to see more of us and he already looks better for it, and laughing at Hugh’s and his jokes. We have had two callers on us - the Wades, the clergyman and his wife from Brooklyn. Today Miss Hon, also visited, she is the sister of the neighboring farm, where Herbert has worked so much and where Leslie is now working. The evening was so lovely, we took our dinner out. We went to Elleishouse and back by St. Crose, a long drive, but a pretty one - especially near Elleishouse, where there is a river and waterfall and wooded cliffs. We Had our dinner there within sound of the falls. Regretted not having taken my mosquito net with me!! We got home about 9:30 P.M., and saw another meteor, a fine one.

August 19, Saturday.

I got up with one side of my face all swollen and throbbing, also one hand as well. Also a large blister on my ankle from a bite. Herbert and Temple were to have gone to the quarry, but it had rained early, they did not go. The plaster can’t be carted, when it is sticky with rain. But they hope to have a tunnel, (A large hole blasted in the side of a cliff. E.E.M.) to work in before winter commences. More photos and music with hymns, practicing for the Chorustors.

August 20, Sunday.

No service at Brooklyn until evening, so we sang hymns to the organ and violin. In the evening at 7 P.M., we went off to church in Herbert’s buggy and a hired one. Herbert and I returned home and had a chat. My face is still very painful and not a pleasant sight.

August 21, Monday.

Went out with Florrie (Mother.) and Lewis to try and get some potatoes. Also to pay the woman who had done our laundry. Very hot walking today, and no potatoes to be had, but Florrie had plenty of other food things for us instead. Her preserved wild strawberries, also currants and apple jelly, are A-1. We had baked apples, every morning after porridge. The sweet corn is just coming, as we had some on Sunday with butter, salt and pepper, some of the young even eating six or seven cobs at a time. After lunch, I had a hot walk to fetch the mail and we were disappointed at not getting our passenger tickets home. Must hope for them tomorrow, as we want to catch the :Empress of Ireland: in the St. Lawrence on the 25th. There are four mails a week at Millers Creek, all of which have to be fetched. But you post a letter in a box, outside the jail, and put up a little red flag to attract the notice of the mail cart driver, as he passes. In the afternoon, Florrie and I went to tea with the Rosses.

Mr. Ross only appeared for tea and he does not allow that the country is bad for farming. But then his farm was left him by his father and he is a bachelor of 78, with two gray-haired sisters, who work hard for him, up at 6 A.M., all year long. Mr. Ross told me what a good plough-man Herbert was and how they worked together as brothers quite a bit. We were there from 5 P.M. to 9:30 P.M., which is the custom here. I found talking is a stuffy thing, for all that time. However, they were nice and kind. Miss Ross presented me with a maple leaf, as a memento of Canada.

August 22, Tuesday.

Our last day here!! The time seems to have gone very quickly. Herbert and Florrie had to go to a funeral of the older Mr. Weeks, who has been past work some years. While they were away, we did our packing and fetched the mail, including the P.C.R. passages and labels. We must be off early tomorrow morning. Last night Herbert and Hugh went to a musical evening at a Mr. Howles, a director of the quarry. My face was not right yet, so I only went to the Norses, where Hon said they would not mind if we had some last minute music in the evening. Florrie made some delicious cream pie. She is a very good cook and the girls are good trying to help her in many ways. Maggie and little Florrie remind me of some of the girls back home. They are dear children and Lewis also. We shall be very sorry to leave them and shall hope to see them again someday. Temple Has just passed his exam and got a teachers Certificate. We are all so glad.

August 23, Wednesday.

Up at 6A.M. and off with Herbert in a wagon to Brooklyn Station at 8:10 A.M.. A sad farewell to all. A lovely morning, the country looking its best. Poor Herbert feeling very low. Says he will be back to the quarry at once and try working very hard to feel our departure less!! We had to change at Windsor on to the Atlantic Line, as we decided to go that route. We had a hot journey, but it was interesting going Grand Pre the Evangeline County. We saw Sir Mourvent and several women (American?). We passed orchards and the Annapolis Valley was very pretty with red apples, lakes and creeks. The atmosphere has seemed leaner than at home. The air was full of insect :locust:, as the children call them. They were never silent, day or night, but were at there noisiest about lunchtime, when the frogs joined the chorus. The nights have been lovely with stars, lean and crystal. We have not seen, but a few birds and not heard one. But them it is August. I saw some quite yellow birds fly across the road when Florrie and I were driving (Buggy.) one day. They must of been Yellow Hermits, I think. To return to our journey!! We got on board the Prince Rupert by 12:30 P.M. and arrived at St. John, New Brunswick, Canada at 5:30 P.M.. We had to hurry off with our light luggage to catch the 5:55 P.M. C.P.R. train to Montreal, leaving our heavy things to come - which never did, much to our annoyance.

I had nothing but my handbag. Hugh was better off. We had a tiring night journey in a full train and Hugh had his soft felt hat stolen. Not much sleep for either of us.

August 24, Thursday.

Arrived at Montreal at 8:30 A.M. and drove to the C.P.R. Hotel, which Mr. Freemontle, Hugh’s old friend, had recommended. We took a bedroom for the day and used it, in turns to wash in and what not - I most of the morning and Hugh after lunch. Then we went out to see the shops and walk around. We had a few minutes in the English Cathedral, which was a large building, but not beautiful in our minds. But nearly all the churches are catholic in Montreal. We didn’t find anything very interesting and there were no guides. Back at the hotel, to help us to make the most of our short time, Mr. Freemontle wired Hugh to meet him at the station at 6:30 P.M.. So I returned alone to the hotel. The train was delayed, so Hugh never met Mr. Freemontle. I had dinner by myself, wondering what Hugh was doing. We found on arriving that the :Empress of Ireland: sails from Quebec and not from Montreal. So we went off, given free first lass tickets, by rail at 11:30 P.M. -our second night running on the train. Hugh insisted on sleeping berths, so we were comfortable. I slept on and off much more then I ever did before on a night journey.

August 25, Friday.

We arrived at 6 A.M. and were allowed to stay in our berths until 7 A.M.. When we dressed, we took a bus, with our luggage to the dock and went aboard the Empress - a beautiful ship, 14,500 tons. There we had breakfast, which much refreshed us. Very few passengers had yet arrived and we went over part of the ship. A charming improvement over the little Moneyhair, with its dirt and smells. The harbor and city of Quebec is quite the finest thing we had seen, it was a perfect day and we took cars, got up into the higher town past the huge Hotel Frontenac and on to the Old Fortress where we had a Soldiers Guide. We had lovely views across the harbor and river. The fort is all modern now, only some old earthworks to be seen, one or two old guns. After this, we went over to the House of Parliament for Quebec. Reviewed a large, fine building with a huge Senate Hall. There are 70 odd members for the parliament and there are another 60 members who go to Ottawa. It seems curious that they should not send some of the members who sit here, to England!!! On our way back to lunch on the Empress, Hugh spied some peaches in a tiny shop and we went in and refreshed ourselves and bought some extra to take on board. We wanted to go after lunch to the Montmorency Falls on the opposite shore, but they could not promise us the time. Our luggage arrived by the Special at 2:30 P.M., much to our relief. We weighed anchor at 4:30 P.M.. We stayed on deck until 7 P.M. and saw the falls on our left - We passed Tory Island about 7 P.M. and by 9 P.M., it was calmer to walk straight. I felt as if I caught cold, probably, I think from getting my feet wet so often on deck. So went to bed early. Hugh felt better today. This morning we were sitting in our deck chairs, when we were thrown over, chairs and all, by a big wave, that swept along (Can be very dangerous, as a person can be swept over the rail and into the ocean. E.E.M.) the deck. Not hurt, but bruised a bit. We were asked to do it again, in order to be photographed, but we had had enough!!! Our chairs were well tied , before we overturned again. The seas were washing over our deck this morning. They looked like big mountains coming from afar.

September 1, Friday.

Calmer and lighter in the North Channel. We spent the morning packing, and at 11:30 A.M., found ourselves alongside the dock at Liverpool. The Mersey River was very busy with shipping. No sign of any strike, we are glad to see. We said goodbye to our fellow passengers and Hugh went off to London and I to Euston, where I arrived at 6:30 P.M., after a hot and tiring day. I had a warm welcome home. Had a most enjoyable trip. Invigorating to mind and body.


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